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# Use Youtube player (with Youtube AD) #<<<>>> # Use our player (Downlaod, Unblock & No Youtube AD) 再生できないときはここをクリック click hrer if failed to load 如无法播放请点击这里#

The Picasa folks at Google made some huge improvements last year with version 3 and 3.5. My favorite is the new streamlined import feature. Here's how to use it.
Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5Importing photos into Picasa 3.5
Importing photos into Picasa 3.5