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I'm genuinely so happy my work is so wonderful and I can dress in lolita both on my work from home days and to my in office days. I'm just so excited to have the ability to be a daily lolita. Even though sometimes I don't have the energy to get dressed up, the fact that it's still an option just fills my heart with joy. I love being able to express myself fully and having a wonderful supportive environment. #lolitafashion #altfashion #eglfashion #eglcommunity #shorts ☆Please Consider Supporting☆ Amazon wish list link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2VA1JJJU40KMV?ref_=wl_share Ko-Fi link: https://ko-fi.com/lanieinwonderland (´ ▽`).。o♥♡ Be Social~! Instagram- http://instagram.com/i_forgot_reality http://instagram.com/whale.noises https://www.instagram.com/ethically.unethical/ Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@i_forgot_reality
How Frequently Do I Wear Lolita Fashion?