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http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/spring-match Megan We had our normal ultrasound and everything. Then the O.B. walked in with a stack of papers, and I was like, Oh, no. And she proceeded to tell us that Kasey would be born with what's called an Omphalocele. His abdomen wall didn't close all the way in utero. We were both overwhelmed. They linked us with the fetal maternal medicine at Cincinnati Children's. Megan And they pretty much just prepared us for what Kasey's birth would be like. Grant Kasey was coming and he was coming quick. Megan Kasey was born at 29 weeks. He was born at our hometown hospital and then had to be transferred to Cincinnati. And on the way, he got a brain bleed just from the transport. Grant And the trauma from being born early. Megan One of his very first surgeries was his PDA ligation. Only a few weeks after birth. Grant They said the surgery will go well. But the 24 hours after the surgery will not. Megan And I get a call at 3 a.m. like you need to get over here right now. Things don't look good. And like he said, for the next 24 hours, doctors, surgeons, nurses, RT's were all around his bedside trying to save his life. And that just meant so much to us because it showed, like, how important he was. They didn't count him off. Megan They knew that, you know, we can we can save him and we can fix this, and we're going to do what we can. I put all my trust in them. Grant That's kind of how I felt after that surgery. I had a strong sense that if he can survive that with their help, he can survive anything. Megan Kasey's NICU stay was 173 days. So about six months. Grant They were not only a support system for Kasey, but they were a psychological support system for us. Megan Kasey is one of the most caring, sweetest little boys you'll ever meet. And I don't say that just because I'm his mom. We get that feedback a lot. And even though he's non-verbal, you know exactly what he's thinking and you know exactly what he's trying to say to you. He's got like a contagious personality that people just want to be around. Megan All we want for Kasey is just to feel like he's involved with everyone else and not less than. Just live a quote unquote, normal life. All the monetary support from the donors really just goes back into saving kids' lives. So they're always thinking about that next step as to what they can do better for their patients. Grant Think about the families that need it. Small donations help no matter what. Megan Every little bit counts to keep this hospital up and running and impacting lives every day. Grant You can help families like mine. Every dollar makes a difference. Megan Give by June 30th and Macy's will match your donation up to $20,000. iPad: Thank You! Kasey laughs.
Kasey's JourneyKasey's JourneyKasey's JourneyKasey's Journey
Kasey's Journey